Our Company has been operating since 2006,has obtained the patent of POS CLASS brand since 2012 and started to import itself.Had taken its place in the hardware industy.
Center/Factory Yenigün District 292/17 Street No:21 Buca / İZMİR
Istanbul Regional Office Yukarı Dudullu District Gazali Street B Blok No.6A Ümraniye / İSTANBUL
Istanbul Warehouse / Technical Service Yukarı Dudullu District Gazali Street C Blok No.4A Ümraniye / İSTANBUL
Office Number: 0 850 550 15 15
Technical Number: 0 850 550 15 15
Sales Number: +90 (555) 110 50 50
Sales Number 2: +90 (534) 844 70 00
Azerbaycan: +994552742303
Company Email: info@desmak.com.tr
Location: Borwse Map